I am sorry for everything.

I am sorry for the negativity.

I am sorry for the lack of faith in the the qualifications and skills
of the leaders of D.

I am sorry for shooting down so many ideas; for treating people who
are new to the language as subhuman; for I was once new to the
language, and didn't understand how it worked either.

I am sorry, Andrei, JJR, and others, for treating you as "part of the
privileged few" who know what was going on in the development of D,
it's libraries, and its supporting sites.  All of you put in far more
much of your free time than is necessary.  You pour yourselves into
this project, and it was disrespectful of me to question any of it.

I am sorry, Brad, for having projected such a horrible image of myself
on the community.  I want you to know that in spite of my negativity,
and my complaints, and my ridicules, I really find you to be an
inspiration.  I would to anything to be as understanding, intelligent,
and experienced as you.

I am sorry, bearophile, for disregarding your invaluable contributions
as insignificant, petty quibbles over things that didn't matter.
Benchmarks are more important as the million fucking bikeshed
discussions over how the syntax of what checked floating-point
operations should look like, or how operators should be overloaded.
Furthermore I respect you for (and Mr. Gromov) your choice of
lifestyle that you choose, and how you don't back down to anyone for
being what you are.

I am sorry, superdan, for treating you as less than a human because
you didn't express yourself in the way I wanted you to.  Please keep
contributing to the community.   Your common sense evaluation of
social situations is invaluable.  But keep in mind that your current
writing style is not likely to influence many.  Your replacement of
common words with cellphone-text-abbreviations and prodigious curses
does not help to get your point across.  I think you are a very
intelligent man, and that your arguments would be much better-received
if you were to express them in a more formal manner, no matter what
you think.  I'm sorry, but that's the way this community works.

And most of all, I am sorry, Walter, for making so much fun of how
much you've done.  You have brought a language to life, and shown the
world that C++ and its ilk can be better.  You have poured
unimaginable amounts of time, effort, and yourself into this language,
and being the inventor of a language myself, I can't help but relate.
I know you don't have much time to respond to every thread and
suggestion; but I am hoping you can realize that there are people
other than yourself and Andrei who are qualified to help support your
language.  I haven't been able to accept that myself w.r.t my own
language.  Please understand that all of us want D to succeed, and
when you get several requests to fix forward references, or OPTLINK,
or some other basic, not-very-fun aspect of the language, that it is
just as important as the basic conceptual underpinnings of the
language specification itself.  Take Christian Kamm/Tomas Lindquist
Olsens' suggestions and patches to heart.  Be more liberal in
delegating responsibility.  And please let D live up to the
qualification mentioned in the spec: that it is a community-driven

I am sorry.

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