Could you /please/ include the "reply to" line in the text of your posts. Most clients seem to add it by default and it makes it much easier for people to find replies to there posts. (I have a filter set up to mark post with my username so, in my case I'd guess that without that line, I'm about 3-5 times more likely to not see a reply.)

BTW the following line is the "reply to" line:

Hello Saaa,

Ah, slicing, of course, thanks!

Hello Saaa,

I understand a bitarray being faster than a boolean array as the
bitwise (hardware) operators.
Is this a correct understanding of the situation?
Why then is a boolean array not implemented in that way?
Because you can't slice a bit array the same way you can slice a int
or byte array. D used to have a bit type and bit arrays where
primitives but it made for all kinds of problems when you wanted to
do slices.

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