On Wed, 04 Nov 2009 06:14:36 -0500, Joel Christensen <joel...@gmail.com> wrote:

import std.stdio;
void main() {
        float f=0.01;



hehe. .01 is not exactly represented by float, because it's stored as a binary value, not a decimal value. Think about how there is no way to represent 1/3 in decimal.

If you imagined that the computer stored things in decimal, see how the 1/3 example would work

a = 1.0/3; // truncated to 0.3333333
a *= 3; // 0.9999999
auto i = cast(int)a; // 0

This is analagous to what you are asking the compiler to do.

To be safe, whenever converting to int, always add a small epsilon. I think you can use float.epsilon, but I don't have any experience with whether that is always reasonable.


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