grauzone wrote:
Joel Christensen wrote:
FMOD sound (record and play) is off D Programming web site.

I followed instructions from the web site. But one instruction said to use 'coffimplib.exe' but I couldn't see where it is to download it, and one link wasn't found (Dr.Dobb).

You can avoid the whole crap with linking to a .lib and use derelict.
Derelict simply dynamically loads the DLL.

I've already tried derelict. I don't know how to use it to either record or even play audio files.

I have in the past gotten FMOD working (record and play I think, record at lessed) with C++. Using the tools 'copy' and 'paste'.

Also there's a library I use that has recording ability, but I don't how to use it either.

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