jicman Wrote:

> jicman Wrote:
> > Greetings and salutations.
> > 
> > I am having trouble with this regular expression.  I tried a few things and 
> > nothing.  Any help will be greatly appreciated.  Here is the program...
> > 
> > import std.stdio;
> > import std.regexp;
> > 
> > 
> > void main()
> > {
> >   char[] l, s, s0, str0;
> > 
> >   s = ";p=SomeCompany;l=USA0300MS01-091110184958Z-3076Delivery:";
> >   str0 = 
> > r"p=SomeCompany;l=[a-zA-Z0-9]+\-\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\dZ\-d\d\d\d";
> >   str0 = r"\-\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\dZ\-d\d\d\d";
> >   if (RegExp(str0).find(s) >= 0) // found 
> > ;p=XeroxCorp;l=USA0300MS01-091110184958Z-3076
> >   {
> >     writefln("Found it...");
> >   }
> >   else
> >     writefln("Not found...");
> > }
> > 
> > 18:16:05.94>build -I..;c:\D\dmd\import regexp1.d
> > 
> > 18:21:13.68>regexp1
> > Not found...
> > 
> > thanks for the help.
> > 
> > josé
> Does anybody hve any ideas?
> thanks.

Never mind... sorry about this.


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