Bill Baxter:

> The good thing is that since most of the machinery is there, the
> actual compiler changes required would mostly be just rewrites of new
> syntax in terms of existing functionality.

I agree, this looks like something that can be added to D even after D2 comes 
out of alpha.
But Andrei warns us that here it's easy to overdo the design. So I think that 
keeping usability low (= keeping things handmade and low-tech) can be better 
than a Byzantine and limited design.

> In particular there's not a good way for the compiler to give good
> error messages about why a concept is not satisfied by a particular
> type.

Time ago I have asked for a "small" compiler feature: when a function/class 
template creates a compile-time error (because some of the code inside it is 
not compatible with the specific type given to the template) I'd like the D 
compiler to act as GCC, telling me not just where there is the error inside the 
template, but also and *before* that error message to show me the line of where 
the template is instantiated. This is another small feature that can be added 
after D2 "finalization".


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