Travis Boucher wrote:
> ...
> -------------------
> phobos - The standard library (at least one of them)
> ...
> It should even be possible to use both tango and phobos in the same
> application (correct me if I am wrong here please).

In D2 you should be able to use Phobos and Tango together, with the
caveat that Tango doesn't have a D2 release yet.

>From Tango FAQ:
"    * Q: Does Tango support D 2.0 as represented by the DMD 2.0xx range
of releases?
    * A: No, not officially. A branch exists in Tango's SVN repository
with an early attempt, but D 2.0 is still considered too immature and
unstable for any full and official commitment to this end. Feel free to
contact us if you want to update the branch, though. "

> ...
> -------------------
> Other general D questions.
> - What is the general consensus on the different D compiler
> implementations?  I know this is a very opinionated question, I am
> looking for answers that related to the D implementation and not the
> compilers themselves. I am mostly interested in GCC due to it's huge
> list of targets, complete and mature toolchain, and its something I've
> always used.

The "D implementation" seems to remain roughly the same across the
compilers.  They all use the DMD frontend with some differing glue code
to turn the AST into something the backend can understand.

GDC seems to only support D1 at the moment.  For a while it was
abandoned, but has been revived recently.

LDC also supports D1 only at the moment.  It seems exception handling is
broken for Windows, thus making it impractical to compile general D
programs with LDC+Windows.
Though this might not matter much for embedded stuff, unless you develop
on Windows.

I suspect D2 support will improve when D2 gets 'finished'.

> - What is the general consensus on the different D standard libraries?
> Again, I don't want religion here, just overall state related to D2.
> From what I've seen, phobos is similar (in functionality) to something
> like libc (plus extras of course), and tango would be more like boost
> and STL.

I think Phobos might be more like boost/STL and Tango might be more like
Java's myriad out-of-the-box packages.

> Thanks,
> Travis

You seem to have a pretty good understanding of this stuff as far as I
can tell.  More than mine in most cases.

Hope this reply isn't too late.

- Chad

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