"Simen kjaeraas" <simen.kja...@gmail.com> wrote in message 
> On Sun, 06 Dec 2009 02:36:58 +0100, Nick Sabalausky <a...@a.a> wrote:
>> I don't suppose there's an easy general way to get the paramaters of a
>> templated type just from the type itself? Ie, a way to get around this:
>> class Foo(char[] str) {}
>> static assert(Foo!("a").stringof != Foo!("b").stringof)
>> // ^ fails because it evaluates to "Foo" != "Foo"
>> I can probably work around it in my current case by sticking str into a
>> const member of Foo and using that together with .stringof, but thought 
>> I'd
>> see if there was a better way.
> Use more parentheses. ( Foo!( "a" ) ).stringof gives the right result. Of
> course, this still seems rather weird.

Not in D1 unfortunately (or at least 1.051):

class Foo(char[] str) {}

pragma(msg, `Foo!("a").stringof: ` ~ Foo!("a").stringof);
pragma(msg, `Foo!("b").stringof: ` ~ Foo!("b").stringof);
pragma(msg, `(Foo!("a")).stringof: ` ~ (Foo!("a")).stringof);
pragma(msg, `(Foo!("b")).stringof: ` ~ (Foo!("b")).stringof);

template Bar1(T)
 const char[] Bar1 = T.stringof;
template Bar2(T)
 const char[] Bar2 = (T).stringof;

pragma(msg, `Bar1!(Foo!("a")): ` ~ Bar1!(Foo!("a")));
pragma(msg, `Bar1!(Foo!("b")): ` ~ Bar1!(Foo!("b")));
pragma(msg, `Bar2!(Foo!("a")): ` ~ Bar2!(Foo!("a")));
pragma(msg, `Bar2!(Foo!("b")): ` ~ Bar2!(Foo!("b")));

void main() {}

Compiler output:
Foo!("a").stringof: class Foo
Foo!("b").stringof: class Foo
(Foo!("a")).stringof: Foo
(Foo!("b")).stringof: Foo
Bar1!(Foo!("a")): Foo
Bar1!(Foo!("b")): Foo
Bar2!(Foo!("a")): Foo
Bar2!(Foo!("b")): Foo

Odder still, notice the "class " prepended to a couple of them.

stringof truly is shit atm.

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