import std.array;
import std.range;
import std.stdio;

// A contrived input range
struct Sir
    string s;
    int pos;
    bool empty() { return pos >= s.length; }
    void popFront() { pos++; }
    int front() { return s[pos]-'0'; }

int[] da = [1,2,3,4,5];
int[5] sa = [1,2,3,4,5];

void main()
    auto a1 = array(da);               // dynamic array
    writefln("[%s]", a1);
    auto a2 = array(sa[]);             // slice (all) of static array
    writefln("[%s]", a2);
    auto a3 = array([1,2,3,4,5][]);    // ditto
    writefln("[%s]", a3);
    Sir sir;
    sir.s = "12345";
    auto a4 = array(sir);
    writefln("[%s]", a4);

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