On 2/16/2010 10:05 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> Robert Clipsham wrote:
>> On 16/02/10 15:20, Jesse Phillips wrote:
>>> Robert Clipsham wrote:
>>>> I don't use ubuntu, so those instructions don't apply to me.
>>> I don't either, but the instructions still apply to me. What distro are
>>> you using? If you figure it out, write up some instructions for it.
>> I'm using Arch Linux. I've found a gcc-multilib package in AUR ( 
>> http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=28545 ), it's out of date and 
>> doesn't build for me though, it seems to require the de_DE locale too 
>> for some unknown reason. I'm hoping when this package is updated it'll 
>> do what I need, I'm not holding my breath though.
> Oh, yeah Arch dropped most efforts to support 32bit didn't they. This
> probably won't help but maybe trying
> dmd test.d -L-L/opt/lib32/lib -L-melf_i386
> I'd hope that would at least stop it complaining about libpthread. (but
> so should have your gcc -m32

The other thing you could try is to take dmd out of the loop.  Can you build a
32 bit c/c++ app with gcc/g++ directly?  If you can't get that to work, it's
unlikely that dmd will we successful either, given that it relies on gcc to
invoke the linker, picking up all the right c library pieces.

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