bearophile Wrote:

> Time ago I have told Walter that adding images with pointers and boxes to the 
> D docs, that represent the main data structures used in D, can help a lot the 
> understanding and usage of D.
> When you *see* the data structure in an image, understanding what happens and 
> how to write program gets easy. So I'd like to see images of the virtual 
> table, an object, interface, etc.
> A class reference is a pointer, that is the index (an integer number) of the 
> first byte of RAM of a segment of RAM.
> The segment of ram contains the class instance data, plus two more pointers 
> at its start, one to the virtual table, and one to the monitor. The virtual 
> table is a struct that contains indirect pointers to the virtual functions 
> and more. I don't know the layout of the virtual tables in dmd. And I have no 
> idea how the monitor is structured, it's a mystery for me still. I am 
> learning still.
> All the instances of a single class point to the same virtual table. 
> Instances of different classes contain pointers to different virtual tables. 
> All objects in D have a pointer to VPT, even classes with no virtual methods. 
> (Structs have no pointer to monitor and vtbl, but they can have a pointer to 
> outer scope if they are not static. This is true for classes too, and there 
> is a little more complexity coming from template instantiations inside 
> functions in D).
> When you instantiate a class you create a new section of memory that contains 
> the class members, plus the two pointers.
> You can have more than one reference to the same object. And two distinct 
> objects in memory can have the same data into their members.
> The "is" operator just compares the class instances, if they are equal (the 
> optimizer can avoid some tests if it knows the objects are surely different, 
> because it knows the static types).
> The == among class instances does several things. See D docs page about 
> operator overloading. But basically it tests if the references are the same. 
> If it's true, then they are two references to the same class instance, so 
> they must be equal, and the == returns true.
> If the references are different it tests for equality of all members, and 
> returns true if they are all equal, otherwise false.
> Bye,
> bearophile

I totally agree on the visual help!
I think I'll create such a diagram after I get my brain mess cleaned up :)
Your explanation doesn't differ (but does expand ;) from my understanding  of 
the whole class implementation subject. I still do not know what a monitor is 
though ;)

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