On Fri, 23 Apr 2010 14:00:50 -0400, Joseph Wakeling <joseph.wakel...@webdrake.net> wrote:

Joseph Wakeling wrote:
No ... !  That was true in the original code I posted, but following
bearophile's kind example that part of the code was updated to a form
along the lines of,

Just for reference, here are the two pieces of code, for side-by-side
comparison.  As far as I can tell the algorithms are identical; the
results are certainly identical; and the D code is significantly slower
(on the order of half the speed on my machine).  I don't know what the
cause is, but my guess would be something along the lines of iterating
across or writing values to arrays in D.

I did a little review of the code, I concur that the code is pretty identical, and the D version does not really do any extra allocation. I found one place where you were using pow(x, 2) to square something in the D version but doing it with simple multiplication in the C++ version, but that didn't account for any slowdowns when fixed. I also saw some places where you write 0 to arrays several times, but removing those didn't help either.

My measurements were 2 minutes 2 seconds on D to 1 minute 20 seconds on C++, so not quite a 2x difference, but still significant.

I can only attribute the difference to g++'s more mature optimization/inlining techniques. I can see why you are interested in having gdc working to try and compare the two :)

In spite of all this, I still remain convinced that there is nothing inherently bad about these results, D compilers can and probably will get better at optimizing code. That it doesn't beat a compiler which has been in production/mainstream for many more years probably shouldn't be surprising to any of us, even though we want D compilers to perform the best.


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