On 25/04/10 20:32, Ellery Newcomer wrote:
Hmm. Either I'm not understanding you or I didn't explain something

something like this

struct Rec2{
ushort index;
ushort nparams;
ushort options;
ushort[] params; // this has nparams elements

Rec2 rec2 = {index:1, nparams:2, options:~0, params:[4,5]};

would translate to something like

x"01 00 02 00 FF FF 04 00 05 00"

only the elements part of params gets written out, the length part doesn't.

Ah, I didn't know this. In which case you should be able to store nparams for use later when the array is encountered, then parse as appropriate?
static nparams = 0;
foreach( m; MyStruct.tupleof )
  static if( is( typeof(m) x : x[] ) )
    static if( MyStruct.tupleof[i].stringof[$-7 $] == "nparams" )
      nparams = m;

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