On Sun, 09 May 2010 18:57:08 +0000, eles wrote:

> actually, i think 2.045 was the second (after 2.044) release to include
> std.complex.

You are right, what's in Phobos now is the new std.complex.

> as i understand, std.complex should replace the native types cfloat,
> creal, ifloat, ireal etc.
> i was eager to test the new std.complex. it seems that some work is
> still needed. maybe someone could submit a bug report?

Based what div0 is saying, the problem doesn't seem to be with the module 
itself, since the problem existed even with 2.028, which contained the 
old std.complex.  Rather, I suspect Robert is right that the module 
doesn't get compiled into the Phobos library file.  (I wonder if it could 
be because it only contains templated code?)

I'll look into it, hopefully we'll get it fixed by the next release.  
Until then, just do what div0 suggests and pass std.complex to DMD by the 
command line.

> otoh, native types creal, cfloat etc. are not deprecated, it seems. they
> should be, i think.

Well, it's up to Walter to decide when that happens.  std.complex is 
ready for it. ;)


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