Should I report these bugs?
(and how should I call this first one?)
module main;
//const S S1 = S(); // uncomment this to compile
struct S
  float value;
  static S opCall()
    S s;
    return s;
  const S S2 = S();
void main(){}
main.d(4): Error: struct main.S no size yet for forward reference
main.d(4): Error: struct main.S no size yet for forward reference
main.d(11): Error: cannot evaluate opCall() at compile time

module main;
import t_def;
class C{ mixin T!(); }
void main(){
        C c = new C();
module t_def;

template T()
        int[] arr;
        public void func()
                arr[1] = 42;
run main.exe
Error: ArrayBoundsError main.d(8)
should be t_def.d(8)

module main;

const S S1 = S();

struct S
  static S func( S s_ )
  out(result){ assert(false,random); }
  body{ return s_; }

  const S S2 = func(S());
void main(){}
main.d(8): Error: __error <---# should be assert failure #
main.d(11): Error: cannot evaluate func((S())) at compile time

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