On 5/16/2010 10:46 PM, negerns wrote:
Why is the definition of 'siginfo_t' in
druntime\import\core\sys\posix\signal.d commented out?
BTW, I'm using dmd 2.046 on windows vista 32-bit.

- siginfo_t is only for posix/linux; can't use it in windows.
- siginfo_t isn't really used by gregorian.d but the structure tm
  so i included the stdc.time module instead.

I modified gregorian.d and enclosed the import core.sys.posix.time within version statements.

version (Windows) {
    import core.stdc.time;
} else version (linux) {
    import core.sys.posix.time;

I don't get the errors anymore. It's time to play with the gregorian module :)

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