F. Almeida <cpp.tutor...@gmail.com> wrote:

I have a few questions about syntax.

1) Operator overloading

First of all, I find the operator overloading weird. This is because
I'm used to C++'s syntax "operator+" and "operator+=", for example,
instead of "opAdd" and "opAddAssign". While I understand that it
gives plenty of room and freedom for introducing new operators in
the future, it nonetheless feels less "natural", at the lack of a
better word. C++ has a reserved keyword "operator" for this, why not
using a modified syntax to this end in D? Why not using, for
example, "operator(+)", "operator(+=)", or "operator(cast(real))"?
This would be consistent with the simplified function template
syntax, and make operator declarations easier to read (I find that
reading the symbol itself is more intuitive when reading the source

The reason for the naming of operator overloads in D was to prevent
stupid overloading. That is, while the + operator might mean
concatenation, addition, and possibly other things, opAdd does not
have this ambiguity. The hope was, programmers would be discouraged
from overloading + to mean anything other than addition.

Now, opAdd and its ilk are scheduled for deprecation. The newest
operator overloading scheme is much more C++-like, only easier to
implement for a mass of related operators:

As you can see, the new syntax is a template system, with the
actual operator as a string parameter. This lets you use string
mixins to cover more bases with one less code.

2) Operators that change context when unary or binary

I noticed that for example, "~this" denotes a class destructor
(thank you for including GC AND making it optional, btw), meaning
that the "~" operator is a negation when used as a unary operator.
However, it becomes a binary concatenation operator when used with
arrays/strings, which is completely unrelated to the other use.

The same applies to templates: "!" is a logical negation operator
when used as an unary operator, but it denotes a template when
introduced in a function declaration, for example.

This can be confusing for people learning the language, especially
if it's a first or second programming language. There are a number
of symbols that are not used at all and could just as easily be
used. Why not use "@"? The fact that D does not use the C macro
preprocessor means that "#" is available, for example.

These character were chosen because not that many are available, and
because they had no binary counterpart. A negate B makes no sense.
Of the remaining character (!...@#), # is taken by compiler special
token sequences (set line number, amongst others). That leaves ~, !
and @, and frankly, A ~ B looks a lot more like concatenation to me
than does A @ B or A ! B.

As for template instantiation, we have mostly the same choices, only
not the character chosen for concatenation. Again, a choice had to
be made, and at least to me, @ implies a connection that does not
make sense, while ! does not.

This all said, there have been discussions of adding other symbols
for operator overloading, most commonly ×, for cross product.
Needless to say, this character is not easily accessible on most
keyboards, and its addition to the language has therefore not

In this vein, I gave this example two years ago:

int a = Ø; //empty set, same as "= void"
int[] b = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
a = readInt();

if (a ∈ b) { // Element of - "in"
  float c = 2.00001;
  float d =  readInt();
  writefln(c ≈ ⌈d⌉ ); // Approximately equal, ceil

  myClass c = getInstance();
  if (∃c) { // c exists, i.e. "!is null"

  ∀element∈b { // New foreach syntax!
    element *= ¼;

I hope we don't get to see this any time soon.


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