
Compiler is now working as expected! Thank's to a great catch by
Michel Fortin!

A little further down the tutorial "D_ A Newbie-Oriented Tutorial",
there's this code:

import std.stdio;

void main()
        int[] intArray;

  intArray[0] = 42;
  intArray[1] = 54;
  intArray[2] = 91;

  writefln("The lemgth of the intArray is %d.",

It compiles with no error or warning - AFAICT. However, it chokes
upon execution with:

dnormandin@ ~/programming/dmd2/code
01:40 pm >> arrays_in_d
core.exception.rangeer...@arrays_in_d(7): Range violation

I've read and re-read the tutorial content, but it's not jumping out
at me.

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