I am translating a small C++ program to D2 and I am having problems. I am 
learning, but my mind is not large enough for all the subtleties of both C++ 
and D2 yet :-)

This C++ program compiles:

struct Vec {
    void operator+(const Vec& other) {}
Vec bar(Vec x) {
    return x;
int main() {
    Vec() + bar(Vec());

I think this is the equivalent D2 program:

// program #1
struct Vec {
    void opBinary(string Op:"+")(const ref Vec other) {}
Vec bar(Vec x) {
    return x;
void main() {
    Vec() + bar(Vec()); // line 9

But DMD gives me:
temp3.d(9): Error: function temp3.Vec.opBinary!("+").opBinary (ref const 
const(Vec) other) is not callable using argument types (Vec)
temp3.d(9): Error: bar((Vec())) is not an lvalue

I vaguely remember a discussion about this in the D newsgroup, that D acts like 
this on purpose, so I think this is not a D bug. What is the right way to 
translate that C++ code to D2? (So far I have just commented out the 'ref' in 

Another case, to me it seems the same problem (D2 code):

// program #2
struct Vec {
    Vec opOpAssign(string Op:"+=")(ref Vec other) {
        return this;
    Vec opBinary(string Op:"*")(int k) {
        return this;
void main() {
    Vec x;
    x += Vec() * 2; // line 12

DMD prints:
temp3.d(12): Error: function temp3.Vec.opOpAssign!("+=").opOpAssign (ref Vec 
other) is not callable using argument types (Vec)
temp3.d(12): Error: (Vec()).opBinary(2) is not an lvalue

Again I have just commented out the 'ref' here and in most other operator 
overloading methods.

I have seen that in some cases I can use "auto ref" (like in those two 
examples), but not in all of them, I don't know why. For example here:

// program #3
struct Vec {
    Vec opOpAssign(string Op)(auto ref Vec other) if (Op == "+=") {
        return this;
    Vec opBinary(string Op:"+")(Vec other) {
        Vec result;
        return result += other;
void main() {
    Vec v;
    v += Vec() + Vec(); // line 13

DMD prints:
temp3.d(13): Error: function temp3.Vec.opOpAssign!("+=").opOpAssign (auto ref 
Vec other) is not callable using argument types (Vec)
temp3.d(13): Error: (Vec()).opBinary((Vec())) is not an lvalue

Do you know why "auto ref" isn't right here?

Bye and thank you,

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