Am 05.06.2010 16:03, schrieb dennis luehring:
Am 05.06.2010 15:42, schrieb Zarathustra:
  only with static methods - a real delegate needs the this-pointer in a
  register (not on the stack), thats the main difference between function
  ptr and delegates, thats why you can't use a (non static) method on for
  example the win-api callbacks, because the caller don't know your object

 __attribute__((regparm (1))) put_first_paramerter_to_eax(d_object this){...}

 __attribute__((regparm (1))) - puts the first function parameter to EAX.

ok so your using gcc and some "extensions"

but that will help on the caller side (you using gcc?) but D still won't accept an delegat in an extern C because this type does not exists in the C world

btw: can show us code where you do this and it works - why don't you use your working code as an example?

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