On Fri, 25 Jun 2010 09:09:07 -0400, Richard Webb <richard.w...@boldonjames.com> wrote:

Using the latest DMD2, the code:

class c1
   void foo() const


   void foo()


   void bar() const

fails to compile with the error:

constest.d(15): Error: function constest.c1.foo () is not callable using
argument types () const

However, if i either:
1) Change bar() to call this.foo() or
2) switch the 2 foo()s so that the const version is defined second.

The it compiles ok.
There are various const related issues in the bug tracker, but i don't
immediately see this one. Anyone know if it's a known thing?

File it anyways, if it's a repeat then it probably will just be closed as a duplicate. As long as you do a reasonable effort to search, nobody can fault you for adding a duplicate bug :)


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