Jacob Carlborg <d...@me.com> wrote:

Why doesn't the following code work in D2 (it works in D1)?

void foo (T) (in T[] a, T b)

void main ()

The error I get is:

main.d(10): Error: template main.foo(T) does not match any function template declaration main.d(10): Error: template main.foo(T) cannot deduce template function from argument types !()(string,char)

It seems to be some problem with the "b" argument, if I change that to "char" it works.

In D2, strings are of type immutable(char)[], so your T would be
immutable(char). However, 's' is a simple, unadorned char.

Ways to fix this would include:

void foo(T)(const T[] a, const T b){

void foo(T,U)(const T[] a, U b) if (is(Unqual!T == Unqual!U)) {


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