On 29/06/2010 22:12, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
For now, can you do something like this?

sl = new ServerList;
    new Server("ServerI", ""),
    new Server(...)

Hi Steve, I think this should work, however I got very strange err. msg. in file ArrayList.d Have to stop now..need some sleep.
BTW the new constructor stuff would be nice to have.

//current code.

import std.stdio;
import std.random;

import dcollections.ArrayList;
import dcollections.LinkList;

void main() {

        auto b1 = LoadBalancer();
        auto b2 = LoadBalancer();
        auto b3 = LoadBalancer();

        // Confirm these are the same instance
    if (b1 == b2 && b2 == b3 )  {
        writeln("Same instance\n");

        // Next, load 15 requests for a server
        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
                string serverName = b1.nextServer.servername;
                writeln("Dispatch request to: " ~ serverName);

// D2 singleton
final class LoadBalancer {
        private static LoadBalancer lb;
        alias ArrayList!Server ServerList;
        private ServerList sl;  
        static this() {
                synchronized lb = new LoadBalancer;

        static LoadBalancer opCall() {
                return lb;
        private this() {
                sl = new ServerList;
                        new Server("ServerI", ""),
                        new Server("ServerII", "")

                Server nextServer() { return sl[uniform(0, sl.length)]; }
        private class Server {
                private string _name, _id;

                this(string name, string id) {
                        this._name = _name;
                        this._id  = id; 
                string servername() {
                        return _name;
                /* OLD PROPERTY STUFF
                        string servername(string sn) { return _name = sn; }
                        string servername() { return _name;     }

                        string id(string id) { return _id = id; }
                        string id() { return _id; }


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