Hi, I have a problem with a mixin template. More exact with an Arraylist!T within a mixin template.
void main() {
        auto p = new Person("Hans", 32);
        p ~= new Person("Steve", 40);
        p ~= new Person("Bjoern", 101);

class Person {
        private string _name;
        private uint _age;
        mixin TLinkList;
        this(string name, uint age) {
                this._name = name;
                this._age = age;
mixin template TLinkList() {
        alias typeof(this) T;
        alias ArrayList!T TList;
        T[] pa;
        auto pl = new TList(pa);  // This does not work !
        void opCatAssign(T v) {
                pa ~= v;
Error: non-constant expression new ArrayList(pa)        main.d  

Ideas ?
Thanks Bjoern

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