Tim Verweij <tjverw...@gmail.com> wrote:

http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/const3.html includes D examples like:
  void foo(const int* x, int* y)

Is the information on the first page not updated for D2?

That seems correct.

Is the following correct? (this confuses me)

  immutable int somefunc();
means the same thing as
  int somefunc() immutable;
and not the same thing as
  immutable(int) somefunc();
even though the first syntax looks very much like this:
  immutable int x;

Yes. immutable always applies to the whole type, which in the function
case would be int function().

I think I understand the difference between const and immuable when
considering references and pointers, but how exactly is const different from
immutable in:
const int x; versus immutable int x;
void somefunc(const int x); versus void somefunc(immutable int x);
const(int) somefunc(); versus immutable(int) somefunc();

It isn't. For non-reference types, immutable and const are

How does this system interact with in/out/ref etc? Can I for example have
"const ref int somefunc()"?



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