On Wed, 07 Jul 2010 00:47:32 +0200, BLS <windev...@hotmail.de> wrote:

Okay a bit better snippet than before. snippet should be almost functional..

Andrei brings in the idea of std.pattern. Seems that this module is
"stalled";  Unfortunately !
However I would like to enhance collection classes (likewise
dcollections)  with a Publisher - Subscriber pattern (signal - slot, or
observer pattern) , if you prefer)
Hope the idea of enhancing collections with events become clear with the
following snippet.
!!! I am able to spend just a few hours a month with D programming.. in
other words, please don't kill me :)
Untested Draft code which requires a lot of help and ,more important,
feedback from you.


struct publisherMsg(T) {
        T data;
        Action a;

mixin template Publisher(T) {
private :

        enum Action = {INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, READONLY};       
        //alias typeof(this) PT;

        struct receiver {
                Object o;
                callback cb;    

        receiver[] subscriber;
        publisherMsg!(T) msg;
        alias void delegate(const ref msg) callback;            
        void addSubscriber(object o, callback cb) {
                //subscriber ~= o;
        void publish() {
                foreach  (object o ; subscriber)
                // create message and send message


mixin template Subscriber() {
   // see UndoList for implementation   

final class Stack(T, bool observable = false ) {
        T[] data;       
        static if (observable)  mixin Observable!T;

        void push( T t) {
                data ~= t;
                publish(t, Action.INSERT);      
        T pop() {
                publish(t, Action.DELETE);
        bool empty() {
        T top() {
                publish(t, Action.READONLY);
        size_t size() {

// Undo list will receive every pushed or popped item -data and action)
class UndoList(T) {
        T[] data;
        /// should be part of the sunscriber mixin templates.
        publisherMsg!T stackMessage;

        void delegate(const ref stackMessage) dg;
        alias Stack!(int) IntegerStack;
        IntegerStack intstack = new IntegerStack;
        private this() {
                dg = &this.feedback;
                // SUBBSCRIBE Stack(T) push and pop events.
                intstack.addSubscriber(this, dg);
        public void feedback(const ref stackMessage msg ) {

Hi Bjoern,

your mixin template should have "private { ... }" rather than "private:" I believe the current way will make
everything that uses the mixin template private after its used.

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