On 15.07.2010 23:28, Rory McGuire wrote:
On Thu, 15 Jul 2010 23:08:07 +0200, torhu<n...@spam.invalid>  wrote:

 On 15.07.2010 21:59, Rory McGuire wrote:
    From what I remember in TDPL:
 Can be used to rename a module if you have it in a different directory
 structure than how you use it. E.g. implementation and "headers" in
 separate folders.

 If you use *.di files (headers), you would normally just keep the
 directory structure, but put the whole thing in a different root
 directory.  Just having *.d and *.di files in the same directory works
 too, as the compiler prefers the *.di files.

Andrei's use case was if you had multiple teams of programmers with some
allowed to work on
interfaces and others only allowed to work on the implementations.

 Can be used to rename module when a filename is not a valid D symbol.

 That would fool the D-specific build tools, and DMD itself too.  In most
 cases it's easier to just rename the file too.  It can be made to work
 using a *.di file if you really have to.

Andrei's example had hyphens in the file name, sometimes policy comes
first? yes no. Not that I
can think of a reason for the policy off hand perhaps GTK naming

Seem a bit far fetched those examples, but ok ;)

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