On Sunday 18 July 2010 06:16:09 strtr wrote:
> I agree with the warning. A good warning would get people to read up on
> UTF. And if you really want to have char you'll need to cast:
> foreach(cast(char)c; chars)

Actually, the cast would be totally unnecessary. Putting

foreach(char c; chars)

would be enough. Forcing a cast would change how foreach normally works. I'm 
even sure that you can legally put a cast there like that. What we'd want to 
disallow would be

foreach(c; chars)

As long as the programmer puts the element type, we can assume that they know 
what they're doing. But warning in cases where they don't put it would catch a 
large number of errors in iterating over strings and wstrings.

In any case, I filed a bug report for it:


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