What are all the cases that extend the lifetime of scoped objects?

Binding a delegate to a scope object extends the lifetime of that object, which would normally end upon exiting that scope. The lifetime of i is extended here:

int delegate(int) make_delegate()
    int i;    // lives as long as the returned delegate lives

    return (int param) {
        return i + param;         // uses i

void main()
    auto del = make_delegate();
    del(42);                      // uses i

I was surprised to discover that, the same does not apply to struct objects, *if* the struct has a destructor:

struct S
    int i;

    ~this()  // prevents life extension

int delegate(int) make_delegate()
    auto s = S();

    return (int param) {
        return s.i + param;

void main()
    auto del = make_delegate();

Error: variable deneme.make_delegate.s has scoped destruction, cannot build closure

Are the "life extending" cases short and simple? What are they? :)

Thank you,

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