Nick Sabalausky wrote:

> "Nick Sabalausky" <a...@a.a> wrote in message
> news:i2rbht$
>> "Rory Mcguire" <> wrote in message
>> news:i2rafu$
>>> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
>>>> Is there a way to get stack traces on exceptions in D2?
>>> What OS.
>>> I'm on linux and I get stack traces.
>> Windows.
>> Must be a debug-only thing though (not sure why I thought otherwise).
>> I've been unable to actually build in debug mode though, because 2.046
>> gives me phobos errors if I use debug mode, and 2.076 can't do
>> array(filter()) which is a breaker for me. I guess I could try 2.045.
> Hmm, weird, I'm not getting the Phobos error with debug-mode on 2.076 now.
> But still not getting stack traces though, even with both -debug and -g

interesting, I get them on 2.046 with and without -debug but not with -

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