Partial-application/currying is another issue (related or not), but I made no mention of it. I meant map simply as "higher-order function that applies a given function element-wise to a list of elements and returns a list of results". No currying involved.

On 01/08/2010 09:34, Philippe Sigaud wrote:

On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 20:07, Bruno Medeiros
<> wrote:

    Consider the familiar functional idiom "map"

    What would you call such a function parameter (either for map or
    just generally).

What parameter?

According to what I said above, the parameter that is a function (the function that will transform the elements). The only other parameter is the collection or iterator.

    That is, what would you call a function that takes one parameter of
    some type, and produces another object/data from that input?

I meant generally. So for example if you were coding in Java or some other language that does not have first order functions, but instead have to wrap them as an interface, what would you call the interface?

Bruno Medeiros - Software Engineer

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