Ah, you're right it does mention it, it was further down below from that 
template function. Thanks guys.

Simen kjaeraas Wrote:

> Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This isn't a question but more of an observation. Here's an interesting  
> > template from the docs:
> >
> > template Foo(T, R...)
> > {
> >     void Foo(T t, R r)
> >     {
> >     writeln(t);
> >     static if (r.length)    // if more arguments
> >         Foo(r);             // do the rest of the arguments
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > void main()
> > {
> >     Foo(1, 'a', 6.8);
> > }
> >
> > What really intrigues me here is not the tuples which I already get, but  
> > the fact that Foo is a function template. But if I remove the inner  
> > Foo() function then it's not a function template anymore so the call in  
> > main won't work. The inner function must have the same name as the  
> > template, apparently (it doesn't even state this in the docs from what I  
> > can tell!).
> It is in fact mentioned, but not touted as an impressive feature:
> "If a template declares exactly one member, and that member is a function
> with the same name as the template, it is a function template
> declaration."[1]
> The same is true for struct, union, and class templates, as well as
> 'Implicit Template Properties', meaning any template with exactly one
> member, if that member has the same name as the template itself.
> In fact, shorthand eponymous templates, like struct foo(T){} or
> void bar(T)(); translate internally to template foo(T){ struct foo{} }
> and template bar(T){ void bar(){} }.
> Other common patterns used with this trick are compile-time constants:
> template foo!(int n) {
>      enum foo = n;
> }
> and alias types:
> template foo(int n, T...) {
>      alias T[n] foo;
> }
> [1]: http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/template.html#function-templates
> -- 
> Simen

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