On Sun, 22 Aug 2010 14:36:50 -0500, Andrej Mitrovic <andrej.mitrov...@gmail.com> wrote:

There's an example of a module constructor in TDPL. I don't think it's supossed to compile as it is, but I wanted to try it out anyway.

I need a way to call the windows c function GetVersionEx. A grep through the source files doesn't find it (except in the DMD cpp backend which it internally uses), but there's one GetVersion function in core\sys\windows\windows.d. That seems to work and returns a uint representation, but then I have to do bitmasking to get all the info out of it. Yikes!

The TDPL example does actually use GetVersionEx() and calls it with a "OSVERSIONINFOEX" structure argument, and it's all nicely documented on MSDN. But I've no idea if I can call it from D. Anyone doing Windows programming in D? :)

This works on my XP machine:

module example;

import std.stdio;
import core.sys.windows.windows;


    BOOL GetVersionExW( LPOSVERSIONINFO lpVersionInfo );

    // Change to GetVersionExA if you want the UTF-8 version
    alias GetVersionExW GetVersionEx;

    // Change to char if you want the UTF-8 version
    alias wchar TCHAR;

        DWORD dwOSVersionInfoSize;
        DWORD dwMajorVersion;
        DWORD dwMinorVersion;
        DWORD dwBuildNumber;
        DWORD dwPlatformId;
        TCHAR szCSDVersion[128];
        WORD wServicePackMajor;
        WORD wServicePackMinor;
        WORD wSuiteMask;
        BYTE wProductType;
        BYTE wReserved;

void main( string[] args )
    info.dwOSVersionInfoSize = OSVERSIONINFOEX.sizeof;

    if( GetVersionEx(&info) != 0 )
        if( info.dwMajorVersion == 5 )
            switch( info.dwMinorVersion )
            case 0:
                writeln( "Windows 2000" );

            case 1:
                writeln( "Windows XP" );

            case 2:
                writeln( "Windows Server 2003" );

                writeln( "I dunno lol" );
            writeln( "Windows Vista or 7" );

I have several modified lib files with more functions defined. The ones that come bundled with DMD are severely outdated.

If you have some linking problems, try to use the aliases that I suggested on the code comments.

Yao G.

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