
I'm trying out some very simple concurrency tests to make sure I
understand how it operates. However I'm having a few problems. I'm sure
this is just lack of knowledge. I dont know enough to debug these things
on my own yet.


The test below builds but does not output anything so I assume for some
reason the pattern matching is not working. If I uncomment the line
adding a variant pattern it gives me a compile error.

Error: static assert  "function with arguments (VariantN!(maxSize))
occludes successive function"
But there is no successive function, its the last statement.

Also I tried using a function address instead of a literal but that
gives me a compile error:
Error: static assert  (false || false) is false
>From the code it looks its saying that myfunc is not a function.

import std.concurrency, std.stdio, std.variant;

int main(char[][] args)
    auto low = 0, high = 100;
    auto tid = spawn(&tfun);
    foreach(i;low .. high) {
    return 0;

void myfunc(double x) {
    writeln("Got : ", x);

void tfun() {
    (int x) {writeln("Got : ", x);}//,
    //(Variant any) {writeln("Got : ", any);}

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