That still won't work. Observe:

import std.stdio : writeln;

void main()

class N
    N test;

    //~ bool empty()     // oops, we"re not an input range anymore
    //~ {
    //~     return false;
    //~ }

    void popFront()

    N front()
        return test;

template isInputRange(R)
    enum bool isInputRange = isValidCode!(
        R r;                // can define a range object
        if (r.empty) {}     // can test for empty
        r.popFront;         // can invoke next
        auto h = r.front;   // can get the front of the range

template isValidCode(alias code) { enum bool isValidCode = __traits(compiles, 
code); }

Instead of returning false, it will give out a compiler error.

Stanislav Blinov Wrote:

> Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
> > It does look nice. It would look even nicer if __traits gets renamed to 
> > meta.
> By the way, there's no stopping writing
> template isValidCode(alias code) { enum bool isValidCode = 
> __traits(compiles, code); }
> :)

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