Stewart Gordon Wrote:

> On 14/09/2010 21:00, jicman wrote:
> >
> > Greetings.
> >
> > I have been trying, for more than an hour, to get information on how
> > to format a number (2342.23) to $2,342.23.
> Just wondering, where have you been searching for this information?

Google gave me a bunch of hits, but none where useful.  I can go back and get 
them for you, but all they have is the man pages or documentation on *print*.  
PHP does have nice little functions (format_number, format_currency, etc.) that 
provide the results I want.  I was hoping that doFormat would allow somekind of 
formatting such as:


and return $1,234,45. or something like that.  Adding the $ at the beginning is 
easy. .-)  Or, 


would return

$    1,234.56

where only 10 characters are allowed from the left side of the period back.

Anyway, you get what I am saying.


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