On Fri, 17 Sep 2010 12:21:07 -0400, Graham Nicholls <gra...@rockcons.co.uk> wrote:

I'm getting a little confused. I've installed a .deb package of d 2.0, but now my
code won't compile:
unlogcat.d(112): Error: std.stream.File at
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/stream.d(1787) conflicts with std.stdio.File at

Yet if I leave either out, I get unresolved symbols. Also, where can I find out
what exceptions can be raised for a particular operation ?

Your code probably is including both stdio and stream. Then you use the simple type File, which is defined in both.

Try disambiguating by using std.stdio.File or std.stream.File.

Or alternatively, you can rename imports (don't remember the exact syntax).


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