Philippe Sigaud wrote:

>> 1. Having the strings, defined at compile time, "MyClass" and "mymethod",
>> how could I could I get to a delegate to MyClass.mymethod?
> You can insert them in a piece of code as a string, and then mix it in:
> enum string code = "auto deleg = &" ~ className ~ "." ~ methodName ~ ";";
> // auto deleg = &MyClass.mymethod;
> mixin(code); // created deleg, you're good to go.

I tried it and worked like a charm (but I've changed my code so instead of 
two strings to class + method, a fully qualified non member function address 
is used so I have a little more flexibility).

>> 2. Is there any way to apply a tuple to a function, expanding as
>> arguments?

> Use the .field or .expand alias, exposed by Tuple!() to get a direct
> access to the internal expression tuple.
> f(tup.expand); // cracks tup open

Now, that is exactly what I wanted. It even works if the function has 
aditional arguments before the expanded tuple one's:

void f(int a, int b, double c) {
   writeln(a); writeln(b); writeln(c);

auto tup = tuple(42, 3.14);
f(1, tup.expand);

Wonderful. I wish it was better documented on

> As for expanding tuples inside functions if you do that regularly, I
> suggest you use a function adaptor, like this:
> template tuplify(alias fun) if (isCallable!fun)
> {
>     ReturnType!fun tuplify(Tuple!(ParameterTypeTuple!fun) tup)
>     {
>         return fun(tup.expand);
>     }
> }

Nice to know. I got you excellent explanation.

Thanks * 100,


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