On Sun, 07 Nov 2010 20:29:40 +0300
Dmitry Olshansky <dmitry.o...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 07.11.2010 18:49, spir wrote:
> > On Sun, 7 Nov 2010 16:17:38 +0100
> > spir<denis.s...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >
> > And I'd like to know, as a possible workaround, if there is a way to save a 
> > variadic arg list:
> >     class C {
> >         ??? xs;
> >         this(X xs...) {
> >             this.xs = xs;
> >         }
> >     }
> >
> > Denis
> > -- -- -- -- -- -- --
> > vit esse estrany ☣
> >
> > spir.wikidot.com
> >
> Tuple!(X) from std.typecons should do

Refused with the same error, plus two more:
DeeMatch.d(372): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (patterns) of type 
DeeMatch.Pattern to Tuple!(Pattern)
DeeMatch.d(380): Error: no property 'opApply' for type 'Tuple!(Pattern)'
DeeMatch.d(380): Error: opApply() function for Tuple!(Pattern) must return an 

Actually, seems Tuple!(Pattern) defines a type for singleton Pattern tuples 
(Tuple!(A,B) is a type for 2-tuples). Not for a variadic list of Pattern 
The two other errors refer to where I try to use the field 'patterns' in a 
foreach loop.


-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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