On Sunday 14 November 2010 04:14:29 spir wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Nov 2010 03:32:18 -0800
> Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:
> > On Sunday 14 November 2010 03:08:49 spir wrote:
> > > Hello,
> > > 
> > > 
> > > There seems to be 2 main differences between structs & classes:
> > > 1. structs instances are direct values, implement value semantics;
> > > while class instances are referenced (actually "pointed") 2. classes
> > > can be subtyped/subclassed in a simple way; structs cannot be really
> > > subtyped -- but there is the "alias this" hack
> > 
> > The main thing to remember between structs and classes is that classes
> > are polymorphic. If you want polymorphism, use a class. If you don't use
> > a struct. Now, if you want a type which is _always_ a reference, then
> > you should probably choose a class, but it's quite easy to have a struct
> > which is a reference type by having its member variables are on the heap
> > and don't get deep copied be a postblit constructor. It is more
> > immediately clear, though, that a class is a reference type.
> > 
> > You can get more nuanced on the reasons why you should pick a struct or a
> > class, but polymorphism is really what it generally comes down to. If
> > you never intend to subclass it or have it implement interfaces, then it
> > should probably be a struct.
> Thank you, Jonathan.
> But what about the copy issue. For instance, in a parsing lib, I currently
> have a "Source" class that is a kind of "cursored" text (think at a text
> file), so it's only:
> class Source {
>     string text;
>     uint index;
>     this (string text, uint index) {
>         this.text = text;
>         this.index = index;
>     }
> }
> The advantages that match functions return a source that has stepped
> forward after successful match (hope you see what I mean, it's a common
> issue in parsing). Conceptually, it's pure data, meaning it should be a
> struct. Also, as you point above, it requires no polymorphism. But I made
> it a class, because: * It's created only once, so heavier creation on the
> heap is irrelevant. * It's passed from match method to match method huge
> numbers of time (can be millions of times when parsing code). If I had a
> struct, it would be copied! (Even if the text itself can be prevented from
> copy by putting it in a plain array, or "pointed", the fields are still
> copied.) * Higher-level patterns that delegate matching to sub-patterns
> directly get updated source (with new index), precisely because the source
> is referenced.
> For instance, the actual match method of the Choice pattern type holds:
>         // ...
>         foreach (Pattern pattern ; this.patterns) {
>             try
>                 return pattern.check(source); // *******
>             catch (MatchError e) {
>                 // ...
>             }
>         }
>         // ...
>     }
> The marked line works because Source is referenced. Else, I would have to
> update source.index manually. Similarly, for a Composition pattern type
> (every sub-pattern must match in sequence):
>         foreach (Pattern pattern ; patterns) {
>             result = pattern.check(source);
>             nodes ~= result.node;
>         }
> The source is automagically updated by each sub-pattern match.
> Thus, this a case where semantic (of value) and feature (no polymorphism)
> rationales seem both to conflict with practical programming reasons.

Well, like I said, it can be more nuanced. Polymorphism is the main thing, but 
other factors can matter. In this case, you have an efficiency problem in using 
struct. The are several ways around that:

1. Make the struct a reference type, making its internals pointers or 

2. Make the struct a value type, but make its internals pointers are references 
and use COW (copy-on-write).

3. Use a pointer to a struct.

4. Use a class.

Personally, I think that #1 can be useful, but generally that's probably not 
what you want. #2 doesn't work correctly right now due to bugs regarding 
destructors, and it's a pretty complicated solution anyway.

As for #3 and #4, if you're not going to use polymorphism, then there really 
isn't much difference between using pointers to structs and making the type a 
class - the main difference between a pointer and a reference being that a 
reference is polymorphic (if you had a pointer to a class, it wouldn't be 
polymorphic), so it's arguably better to use pointer to a struct than a class 
when it doesn't need to be polymorphic, but I suppose that it's a matter of 
taste. If you make it a struct, you at least _can_ stick it on the stack if you 
want though. It also makes them easier to copy, since you don't have to declare 
a clone() function or something similar. However, making it a class makes it 
obvious that it's intended to be used as a reference type rather than a value 
type, so it all depends on what you're trying to do.

- Jonathan M Davis

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