
In a previous post, I asked how to define, in a module, a set of symbols for 

I was blocked then mainly because the compiler did not let me freely define 
what I wanted to define, at the module's toplevel. Especially, it does not 
allow accessing (public) fields or methods of defined elements. A first 
question is why, because for me a field is just a special var, and a method 
just a special func. The language seems to let call any other kind of func, or 
access any other kind of var (I have not stepped on other limitations).

All those blockages magically disappear when put inside a 'static this () {} 
block'. This firstly shows that the language is fully capable of coping with 
"free" definitions; and to make them available for export. So, why not allow 
them at the module's toplevel? I cannot see any difference from the language's 
point of view.

An annoying consequence is that what's defined inside 'static this' is not 
available in the module itself (EDIT: they seem not to be available for export, 
neither). I cannot test them, for instance. They must be globally declared, 
forcing to repete ids in 2 separate locations in code, leading to bugs after 
any edit (frustrating ones, like in those languages where interface must repeat 

Finally, I guess from "static" in "static this" that the issue's key point has 
something to do with evaluation at compile-time. Maybe I'm completely stupid in 
thinking this, but why should the compiler be able to evaluate a module's 
top-level symbols at compile-time? What we want is them to be available at 
_import_ time. In my view, the compiler's task here to build a representation 
of the code (ie to compile, not to evaluate), e basta. Like a func def, which 
will is run when called only. For a module's toplevel, call-time is 
import-time. (For an app's single or main module, call-time is just run.)

These reflexions probably show you how I'm missing some fondamental point here 
-- about staticity, certainly. Please help me understand ;-), if it is the case.

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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