On 2010-11-29 16:39, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Sun, 28 Nov 2010 09:58:42 -0500, Per Ångström <d-n...@autark.se> wrote:
However, I wish the situation could be detected at compile-time.

It could only be detected at link-time, and the linker doesn't do any
custom processing, it just links.

Actually, I should have written "without running the program", be it compile-time or link-time.

But in any case, I still don't understand why you want to avoid
interdependencies. D is supposed to handle them well.

It's something I caught from reading Lakos's _Large Scale C++ Software Design_ back in the 90's. Of course, D's module system alleviates a lot of the problems with interdependencies in C++, but still, highly interdependent systems are harder to test and less easy to change. I don't think D has changed the game completely, making interdependencies largely a non-issue.
Per Å.

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