> I'm curious, why do you need that?

It is a long story.

But basically I am creating a platform wherein the users would be
deriving classes from some base classes that I write as part of the
platform. And the users would often be deriving many such classes.

The end-users would often not be programmers and would know little D
(as you can see I am also learning D :-). I want to automate some code
generation for them and I hope to do that by creating wrapper classes
that would shadow the classes that the end-users have written. Since
the and users would be instantiating these classes only inside a
particular class scope, I wanted to create some code inside that class
scope. Right now I am forcing the end-users to insert some mixin for
every class that they code. I wanted to automate that process.

Hope what I said makes sense to you.


Hope what I said makes sense.

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