On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 07:00:31 -0800
David Currie <curri...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Can a class be instantiated on the stack ?

Yes, check std.conv.emplace 
http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/phobos/std_conv.html#emplace and alloca()
I don't know details about interaction of such objects with GC though.

Also there is scarcely documented storage class scope, which for class objects 
means that they will be destroyed upon scope exit, but also currently results 
in that object itself will be placed on the stack, no memory in heap is 

>    C myC(3);  // C++ syntax BUT is there a d equivalent
> It appears that D ASSUMES myC is really a myC*(in C++)

Not exactly. All class objects have reference semantic, so when you declare 
variable of type C you really declare a reference. The reference is what you 
get from new, pass as parameters, etc.

> Will a struct do?

structs on the contrary have value semantic, so when you declare struct 
variable you get the memory for struct allocated on stack or in data segment. 
When you pass or return structs -- you return or pass value, that is a copy of 

You may be also interested in the way dynamic arrays are handled, as arrays are 
value type, yet they hold a pointer to memory. This means that passing them as 
parameter or returning them does copy pointer and length, but actual data is 
stil shared until you do something which will force D to relocate it. All kind 
of not obvious implications here.

> Does a struct have a constructor (as opposed to an opcall?)

Yes, and more. http://www.digitalmars.com/d/2.0/struct.html

Nick Voronin <elfy...@gmail.com>

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