On Mon, 20 Dec 2010 03:11:49 -0800
Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:

> Now, you could conceivably have a language where all of its objects were 
> actually pointers, but they were treated as value types. So,
> B b;
> A a = b;
> would actually be declaring
> B* b;
> A* a = b;
> underneath the hood, except that the assignment would do a deep copy and 
> allocate the appropriate meemory rather than just copying the pointer like 
> would 
> happen in a language like C++ or D. Perhaps that's what Oberon does. I have 
> no 
> idea. I have never heard of the language before, let alone used it.

I don't know how Oberon works. But I'm sure that its records are plain values, 
_not_ "pointed" under the hood. And their methods all are virtual (they have a 
virtual method table). I have no more details, sorry.

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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