On Thu, 30 Dec 2010 16:33:39 -0200
Guilherme Vieira <n2.nitro...@gmail.com> wrote:

> When I create factory methods like those proposed in this thread, I feel
> like I'm hijacking a core aspect of the language. Goddamn it, it's the
> constructor! IMHO, everybody expects to construct things.. using
> constructors (unless there's a restriction like not being allowed to
> construct stuff anytime, but only under certain conditions, which was the
> case with SoundSources).
> Factory methods should, again just in my opinion, be used to exploit
> polymorphism or enhance the system design, not to solve problems of the
> language dealing with method overloading. It's just.. creepy. Is it just me?
> I feel like I'm giving too much and barely getting one thirth in return...

@Steven: This is great answer to the question you asked me (and I did not 
answer) about the "clear meaning" of constructors in a PL. (Else, let's just 
get rid of them alltogether, and of the notion too, and just use object 

-- -- -- -- -- -- --
vit esse estrany ☣


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