On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 21:14:06 -0500, Adam Conner-Sax <adam_conner_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

The following code:

import std.algorithm;

class Foo  {
  int id_;
  shared int id() const { return id_; }

static bool compare(in shared(Foo) a, in shared(Foo) b)
  return (a.id() < b.id());

void main()
  shared Foo a,b,c;
  shared(Foo)[] uFooArray = [a,b,c];

fails to compile with

usr/local/src/dmd2/src/phobos/std/conv.d(295): Error: function
object.Object.toString () is not callable using argument types ()

whereas if I just take all the shared away it compiles fine. I imagine that this is somewhere to do with a string function being called on an element of
the array and then there's no shared version of that method.

Is there a fix? Or a different way to call sort? I can cast away shared for the sort but since in the actual application I have a reason for it, that's a
bit worrisome.


This should be fixed in svn. I encountered a very similar issue, and implemented a fix. This will be fixed in the next release:



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