On 01/26/2011 01:06 AM, Simen kjaeraas wrote:
spir <denis.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 01/25/2011 10:29 PM, Simen kjaeraas wrote:
spir <denis.s...@gmail.com> wrote:


Cannot find corresponding opSomething method, if any. (opDispatch seems to
specialise for method call.)
Else, how to catch obj.member?

opDispatch is likely what you want. with the @property annotation, it
will readily support obj.member; and obj.member = foo; syntax.

Thank you, Simen, i'll try using opDispatch with @property. But I'm not sure
how to write that concretely. My use case is of a type holding a
string[AnyThing] AA called symbols. Then, I wish to map
(hope I'm clear)

I just found that it is, in fact, unpossible. That is, you can support
either a = foo.id; or foo.id = a; - not both. This is caused by bug 620:

I do not really understand the subtleties of this bug, but indeed, I found no way to use opDispatch to set data members.
In other words, I could implement python's __getattr__ or Lua's __index,
not  python's __setattr__ or Lua's __newindex.

EDIT: Could do this as a workaround.

alias int[string] Symbols;

class T {
    int i;
    Symbols symbols;
    this (int i, Symbols symbols) {
        this.i = i;
        this.symbols = symbols;
    auto opDispatch (string name) () {
        auto p = (name in this.symbols);
        if (p)
            return *p;
        throw new Exception("No symbol called "~name~".");
    auto opDispatch (string name, Value) (Value value) {
        writeln("set ");
        auto p = (name in this.symbols);
        if (p) {
            *p = value;
        throw new Exception("No symbol called '"~name~"'.");
unittest {
    auto t = new T(1, ["j":2, "k":3]);
    writefln("<%s %s %s>", t.i, t.j,t.k);
    t.i = 11;
    writefln("<%s %s %s>", t.i, t.j,t.k);
//~     writeln(t.l);   // throws as expected
//~     t.l(44);   // throws as expected
    t.j = 222;  // Error: function
                // __trials__.T.opDispatch!("j").opDispatch ()
                // is not callable using argument types (int)

The last example shows how normal member-set syntax fails. I would like to know into what
        obj.name = val
is rewritten.

vita es estrany

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