On 01/27/2011 01:17 AM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
Right, casting a /single/ element works:
      auto x = [cast(T0)(t1), t2];
      auto y = [t1, cast(T0)(t2)];

So I guess it was implemented as "Common type within the given set."

But to! fails:
      auto x = [to!(T0)(t1), t2];
      auto y = [t1, to!(T0)(t2)];
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(99): Error: template std.conv.toImpl(T,S)
if (!implicitlyConverts!(S,T)&&  isSomeString!(T)&&  isInputRange!(Unqual!(S))
&&  isSomeChar!(ElementType!(S))) toImpl(T,S) if (!implicitlyConverts!(S,T)&&
isSomeString!(T)&&  isInputRange!(Unqual!(S))&&  isSomeChar!(ElementType!(S)))
matches more than one template declaration,
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(559):toImpl(Target,Source) if
(implicitlyConverts!(Source,Target)) and
/usr/include/d/dmd/phobos/std/conv.d(626):toImpl(T,S) if (is(S : Object)&&
is(T : Object))

Already had this endless error message once ;-)
Looks like another bug of non mutually exclusive template constraints?

Yep, looks like. See I told you 'to' was safe, can't be more safe than not 
allowed :)

Yep, greatest safety ever ;-) I'll file a bug (as soon as I have time to search whether it does already exist on the issue tracker).

vita es estrany

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