Andrej Mitrovic <> wrote:

On 1/31/11, Simen kjaeraas <> wrote:

module foo;

import std.typecons;
import std.functional;
import std.array;

template optArg( alias pred ) {
     template optArg( alias fn ) {
         auto optArg( Range )( Range r ) {
             alias binaryFun!pred predicate;
             alias unaryFun!fn func;

             auto result = tuple( r.front, func( r.front ) );
             foreach ( e; r ) {
                 auto tmp = func( e );
                 if ( predicate( e, result[1] ) ) {
                     result = tuple( e, tmp );
             return result;

void main( ) {
     alias optArg!"a<b" minArg;
     alias minArg!"a" foo;
     assert( foo( [5,2,1,3] ) == tuple(1,1) );

Damn! That's pretty nice, I didn't know we could nest with the
eponymous trick. This could be quite useful, thanks.

You can only do that using aliases.


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